Spirituality, Mindfulness, and More!
There are many ways to enjoy the practice of yoga. Our focus is on overall life betterment, not just physical exercise. A more conscious way of being.
We want to make sure we are the right studio for you.
We Are A Community
We are more than just a class we are a community and a lifestyle.
To give you more insight into the above questions, here is how a “typical” class at Lake Center Yoga is conducted:
First you are individually greeted and made to feel welcome and comfortable. If you are a new student, the instructor will help you settle in.
The class begins with explanation of the class theme for the week. Followed by opening mantra’s and meditation to help clear the mind and tune into a higher frequency. This helps one during the yoga poses to be able to bring your attention to the more subtle aspects of the mind and body.
Next the poses and some breathing awareness techniques with carefully instructed warm-up poses such as down-dog and various forward bends, twists, standing poses and gentle flowing sequences. Once the class is warmed up, the flowing sequences may become more challenging and then individual poses are held longer and taken deeper.
Each week a certain type of pose (forward bends, backbends, standing poses, hip openers, twisting poses, or inversions) is emphasized although all types of poses are done in each class. The weekly theme theme is woven throughout the instructions of the class so that you can learn how to take the deeper lessons of yoga into your poses and into your daily life off the mat.
The teacher will carefully watch you and all the students to make sure you are doing the poses with proper alignment and to your individual ability. This will help you get the most out of each one while actually making any injury you may have better rather than worse. Many students report how improved their bad backs, necks, shoulders or knees feel after class. That’s what happens from good instruction of proper alignment in your asanas (poses).
Questions about poses are encouraged and the teachers want to know if you are feeling discomfort or over exertion in a pose so they can help you adjust to a more expansive experience of the asana (pose).
There is an emphasis on building and balancing strength, flexibility, optimal breathing and energetic movement and expansiveness throughout the session.
Toward the end of class the teacher will take you through a sequence of asanas that will prepare you for the final pose –savasana. In savasana you will lie still on your back for a few minutes and allow all the poses you did to settle in and integrate all you have just learned. Then everyone sits and have some closing mantra’s. To end, everyone bows their head with a final “Namaste”, meaning “The Divine in me salutes the Divine in you”. Classes last 1½ hours and we will be happy to help you choose the level of yoga that is right for you.